Gegründet 1958. Über 60 Jahre Erfahrung!

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Allium Pinball Wizard
Allium Pinball Wizard Allium Pinball Wizard Allium Pinball Wizard Allium Pinball Wizard

Allium Pinball Wizard

5,41 €

Versand: Ende August bis Ende Januar

Product Code:
Weitere Informationen
Art des Bodens Nährboden, Nicht feucht
Besondere Merkmale Tierresistent, Biene und Bestäuber freundlich, Gut für Schnittblumen, Naturalisierend
Blumengröße 15cm
Blühmonat Juni
Duftend Nein
Farbe Violett
Gartenposition Sonne
Geeignet für Töpfe Nein
Höhe 80 cm
Lieferzeitraum Ende August bis Ende Januar
Pflanzendichte (pro Quadratmeter) 20
Pflanzposition Mitten drin, Hinten
Pflanztiefe 15cm
Pflanzzeit Herbst, Winter
Winterhärte Winterhart
Zwiebelgröße (cm) 20/+cm

Allium Pinball Wizard are just one of many purple alliums that have a spherical head made of hundreds of small star shaped flowers.

What sets these apart from any other allium? The heads are close to rivaling Globemaster for their sheer size, but Pinball wizard grows taller than Globemaster. Many taller alliums have smaller flowers sitting in a tight round formation. Allium Pinball Wizard has much larger individual star shaped flowers. A deep lilac colour that has echos of a silver sheen.

These allium bulbs never fail to impress. If you are looking for magnificent alliums that have lasting appeal and return each year then these would be a great choice. 

Plant allium bulbs in the soil during October or November. Taller flowers such as these can be planted to depths of 15-20cm to give them a good anchoring. Alliums Like a well draining soil and can tolerate quite dry soil. Water regularly whilst the bulbs are actively growing foliage. 

Position in a sunny spot, not too exposed from strong winds. The stems are very sturdy but as you only get one flower per bulb, its best to protect them the best you can. 



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