How to choose bulbs by colour

We know there’s a mind-boggling array of bulbs and plants available on our website. It’s what we’re famous for! To make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for, we’ve added filters to our category pages so you can go straight to the products you are after. In this simple “how to” guide, we show you how to narrow your search down to the colours you’ve chosen for your garden and how to add your choices to your basket. The principle can be easily applied to other attributes in the side menu: “blooming time”, “garden position”, “height”, “special features” (including whether the flower is scented or suitable for cut flower), “planting time”, “type of soil” and “hardiness”.

Step 1: From any page on the website, hover your mouse over the category displayed in the top menu that you are interested in (autumn planting, for example). A large drop-down menu will appear.

Step 2: Move your mouse over the sub-category you are interested in (tulips, for example) and click on it.

Step 3: Scroll down the page until you see the bold title colour in the left hand menu.

Step 4: Tick the box next to the colour you require to select it. Your screen will refresh and show you only tulips in your chosen colour. You can tick as many colours as you like. We’ve chosen black and orange for this example.

Step 5: For more information on a product and to add it to your basket, move your mouse over the picture and click on it (we’ve used Tulip Black Parrot as our example).

Step 6: If you wish to purchase the product, use the up and down arrows to choose the quantity you want.

Step 7: Click on the blue “add to basket” button.

Step 8: To return to your shopping move your mouse over the “back to previous” message and click on it.

TOP TIP: if you are logged in as a customer to the website, your shopping basket will not expire and you can keep adding to it as you wish.

Step 9: To checkout and pay for your shopping, click on the “my basket” link at the top right of the page.