How to plant alceas (hollyhocks)

Commonly known as hollyhocks, Alceas are stunning hardy perennials that bring height, drama, and classic cottage garden charm to any outdoor space. Their tall flower spikes, covered in large, open blooms, rise from a base of hairy, lobed leaves, creating a spectacular display beloved by pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies.

Ideal for planting at the back of a border or against a wall or fence, these traditional favourites add vertical interestand a romantic touch to gardens. They pair beautifully with other perennials such as Achilleas, Agapanthuses, Astrantias, Crocosmias, and Geraniums.

How to Grow Alceas

Planting Conditions

  • Soil: Well-drained, moderately fertile soil

  • Light: Full sun is essential for strong growth and abundant flowering

  • Spacing: Allow adequate spacing to improve air circulation and reduce disease risk

Care & Maintenance

  • Watering: Alceas require regular watering during summer, as they dislike prolonged dry conditions

  • Staking: Taller varieties may need support to prevent bending or snapping in strong winds

  • Pruning: After flowering, cut back stems to around 15 cm from the ground to encourage healthy regrowth

Alceas are supplied as bare-root perennials. Unpack and plant immediately upon arrival to ensure a successful establishment. Although they are hardy you can benefit by potting them up and al;lowing them to establish before placing in your garden beds

Common Problems, Pests, and Diseases

Flea Beetles

These small beetles feed on foliage, leaving small holes and cavities on the upper leaf surface. While mature plants usually recover, young seedlings are vulnerable and may struggle to survive.
Preventative measures:

  • Cover young plants with netting as needed

  • Remove dead plant material before winter to prevent flea beetles from overwintering

Snails, Slugs, and Cutworms

These garden pests feed on young shoots, stems, leaves, and flowers, causing significant damage if left unchecked.
Preventative measures:

  • Use natural slug deterrents such as crushed eggshells or organic slug pellets

  • Encourage natural predators like birds and hedgehogs to control populations

Hollyhock Rust

This common fungal disease appears as bronze pustules on the underside of leaves, weakening the plant and reducing its visual appeal. It thrives in humid conditions, particularly in areas with poor air circulation.
Preventative measures:

  • Avoid overcrowding and plant in a well-ventilated spot

  • Water plants early in the morning so foliage dries quickly

  • Remove and destroy affected leaves to prevent further spread


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  • £3.15 for 3
  • £6.75 for 9
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Alcea rosea
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