How to plant alliums for Summer

Summer flowering Alliums

Allium bulbs perfectly fill the gap between spring flowering bulbs and summer flowering bulbs. Most Allium will flower from June to July but there are some summer flowering alliums that are worth the wait. These are some of the latest flowering alliums that flower right into the summer months.

Alliums Summer Beauty 

Allium Sphaerocephalon

Allium Flavum

Allium Summer Drummer

Allium Red Mohican


Often described as fireworks frozen mid-explosion, these clump-forming, late-flowering hardy perennials loved by pollinating insects will bring colour and texture to the sunny border or container from June to August. They are perfect for planting with other hardy perennial plants, lilies and summer flowering bulbs, and make excellent cut flowers.

How to plant Allium bulbs

  • Plant in fertile, well-drained soil 
  • Position in full sun 
  • keep hydrated during growth. 

To keep your alliums flowering year on year, lift and divide overcrowded clumps after two to three years before removing any tiny new bulbs and planting them in pots or in the garden until the bulbs are mature. It will take them a few years to develop into flowering size bulbs but the wait will be worth it.

Alliums Summer Beauty are supplied as bare root plants. Avoid poor flowering results by always unpacking and planting on arrival.

Take care! Allium bulbs and plants can be poisonous to cats and dogs. Although most animals would not dream of nibbling on them, do take care to protect your pets.