How to plant besseras

Besseras are exotic perennials also known as coral drops, sporting eye-catching clusters of pendant, freesia-like flowers held on elegant stems above attractive grass-like foliage. Native to Mexico, these sun lovers are perfect planted in the warm, south-facing border.

Plant around 6-8 cm deep in well-drained soil in full sun — allowing for around 25-50 corms per square meter. Provide a deep mulch for winter protection or lift and store corms indoors.

Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.

Potential problems, pests and diseases:

Besseras do not usually suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems.

Bessera Elegans Bulbs
  • £3.50 for 5
  • £25.00 for 50
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Bessera Elegans Bulbs