How to plant convallarias (lilies of the valley)

Also known as lilies of the valley, convallarias are beautiful hardy perennials bearing arching stems of pure white drooping bell-shaped flowers. Excellent for the wild or woodland garden, these lovely plants make fantastic ground cover and occasionally produce red berries after flowering. Great for cutting, their flowers exude a sweet scent that will lightly drift through the house in spring. Try mixing with other woodland plants like brunneras, erythroniums and pulmonarias.

Plant in moist, fertile, humus rich soil in full or partial shade. Provide a top dressing in autumn. Please note that will need one growing year before flowering.

Lily is a term often applied to unrelated species. Convallarias are supplied as bare-root plants. Always unpack and plant on arrival.

Potential problems, pests and diseases:

  • Botrytis/grey mould: this fungal disease usually caused by excessive moisture, warm temperatures and poor air circulation can initially be seen as brown spots/grey mould on the leaves and stems. If you spot any signs of this disease, immediately remove affected bulbs/plants and destroy. Botrytis is an airborne virus and can spread rapidly in the breeze so do not compost infected material.