How to plant cornuses (dogwoods)

Commonly known as dogwoods, cornuses will bring decorative and structural interest to the garden throughout the seasons. In spring, these easy to grow decidious shrubs will carry clusters of delicate small white flowers that will soon be replaced by white berries turning blue-ish towards the end of the summer. In autumn, they will provide much needed colour to the garden with their fiery foliage before displaying stunning bright red bark in winter. They are great companions to ornamental grasses, asters and rudbeckias.

Plant cornuses in fertile, humus rich and well-drained soil in full sun. They will tolerate neutral to acid conditions. Cut back the stems in early spring to encourage new growth.

Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.

Potential problems, pests and diseases:

Generally, cornuses do not suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems.