How to plant crinums
- How to plant Bulbs - Spring planting plants
- 25 Feb 2020
Crinums will bring a touch of exoticism to the garden with their large, fragrant amaryllis-type flowers, held on large stalks above glossy, strap-shaped leaves.
Plant around 15 cm deep (with the top at the surface) in well-drained, deep, fertile, humus rich, moist soil in full sun. Provide mulch in winter.
Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant. Take care! Crinums should never be eaten as they will cause severe discomfort. Their sap is a strong irritant.
Problems, pests and diseases:
Crinums do not usually suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems. However, they may be affected by:
- Waterlogged/poorly-drained soil: the bulbs will fail.
- Snails and slugs: these pests enjoy munching on young shoots, stems, leaves and flowers. Watch out for damage!