How to plant echinaceas (coneflowers)
- How to plant Bulbs - Spring planting plants
- 20 Feb 2020
Commonly known as coneflowers, echinaceas produce pretty daisy-like flowers with cone-shaped centres, held above dark green leaves on hairy stems. Perfect for the middle of the border, these vibrant hardy perennials will slowly open to reveal an abundance of pollen which will attract and encourage pollinators to the garden. For best results, try mixing with grasses and other perennial plants such as agastaches, achilleas, cosmoses and rudbeckias.
Plant in well-drained, humus rich soil
Echinacea plants prefer full sun — they will also tolerate some shade.
Provide a good balanced fertiliser such as liquid seaweed every two to three weeks
Cut the flowers as they fade to promote further flowering.
Cut the stems to ground level in spring
Echinaceas are supplied in 9 cm pots. Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.
Potential problems, pests and diseases:
Generally, echinaceas do not suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems.