How to plant fuchsias

Fuchsias will grace the garden with masses of exotic, two-tone pendant flowers throughout the summer and until the first frosts. Perfect backdrop to hardy perennial plants, these garden favourites will look fantastic planted in the garden border or cascading down from hanging baskets and containers.

Plant outdoors in moist, well-drained fertile soil in full sun to partial shade. Dead-head regularly to encourage more flowers. Provide a deep winter mulch and shelter from cold drying winds.

Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.

Potential problems, pests and diseases:

  • Aphids: these sap-eating insects can weaken plants and spread viruses. Whenever possible, pick off by hand using gloves.

  • Capsid bugs: these sap-eating insects emit a toxic saliva that eventually causes the plant tissues to die. Leaves are peppered with small holes and often grow distorted. In some cases, flowers may not develop correctly and buds may fail. Dispose of any deceased plant material and debris in winter to prevent issues in spring and summer.

  • Fuchsia gall mites: these sap-eating microscopic mites emit a toxic saliva that eventually causes the plant tissues to die. Leaves and flowers grow distorted and host may wilt. Cut away and destroy any infected material.

  • Vine weevils: these black/grey beetles like to feed on ornamental foliage in spring and summer whilst larvae wreak havoc in autumn and winter by devouring plant roots. Host may wilt and potentially die. To prevent infestations, maintain good garden hygiene by disposing of any deceased plant material and debris. Additionally, take a moment to regularly inspect susceptible ornamental plants in spring and summer evenings — vine weevils come out at night — and pick off any visible pests using gloves.

  • White flies: these tiny insects feed on the underside of leaves that will become covered with honeydew. Leaves may turn yellow and wilt whilst host may stunt.

  • Botrytis/grey mould: this fungal disease usually caused by excessive moisture, warm temperatures and poor air circulation can initially be seen as brown spots/grey mould on the leaves and stems. If you spot any signs of this disease, immediately remove affected bulbs/plants and destroy. Botrytis is an airborne virus and can spread rapidly in the breeze so do not compost infected material.

  • Rust: this fungal disease can dramatically impact the appearance and strength of fuchsias; leaves may become mottled and display sunken/raised bumps. Since humidity promotes infection, avoid planting heucheras in areas with poor air circulation and make sure to water them in the morning so that their leaves are able to dry out quickly. Destroy any affected foliage.