How to plant galtonias
- How to plant Bulbs - Spring planting plants
- 25 Feb 2020

Galtonias or summer hyacinths produce masses of pendulous waxy white bell-shaped flowers dangling from imposing stalks. Great additions to the sunny, herbaceous border, these wonderful bulbs will put on an abundant and lightly scented display for years to come in late summer. Try mixing them with agapanthuses, echinaceas or kniphofias.
Plant around 10-15 cm deep in full sun in fertile, well-drained soil that is moist in the spring and summer months — allowing for around 30 bulbs per square meter. Cut off flower spikes once they have faded and cover crowns with a thick mulch of leaf mould.
Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.
Potential problems, pests and diseases:
Generally, galtonias do not suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems.