How to plant hedychiums
- How to plant Bulbs - Spring planting plants
- 25 Feb 2020
Hedychiums gardnerianum or Kahili gingers produce vibrant spikes of sweetly scented flowers adorned with protruding red stamens, held above broad architectural leaves. Mostly native to Asia, these fleshy rhizome perennials will bring structure and exoticism to the garden. Try mixing with crocosmias.
Plant around 5-8 cm deep in humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Protect from cold winds, and provide deep mulch in frost prone areas. Cut the flower stems when they have finished flowering.
Problems, pests and diseases:
Hedychiums do not usually suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems. However, they may be affected by aphids and red spider mites under glass.