How to plant heleniums

How to plant heleniums

Heleniums or sneezeweeds are a must for any gardener that is looking to bring a little pizzazz to their garden. Excellent value for money and attractive to pollinators, these colourful and long lasting hardy perennials are excellent for the middle or back of the border. Try mixing with crocosmias, salvias, agastaches, aconites, orange or red dahlias and grasses.

  • Plant in moist, fertile well-drained soil
  • Position in full sun.
  • Dead-head as soon as the flowers fade to prolong the flowering period.
  • Feed annually
  • Cut foliage back in autumn
  • Every few years, divide the clumps and replant the vigorous sections.
  • Always unpack and plant on arrival.
  • Take care! Always wear gloves when handling heleniums as they may aggravate skin allergies. They should not be eaten as they will cause severe discomfort.

Potential problems, pests and diseases:

Generally, heleniums do not suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems. However, they may be affected by leaf spots. These bacterial/fungal diseases can usually be seen as sooty growths or spots on the leaves ⁠— these will progressively turn brown with a yellow margin before eventually dying. Remove and dispose of any infected leaves.

Helenium Sahin's Early Flower
  • £7.80 for 3
  • £20.70 for 9
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Helenium Sahin's Early Flower