How to plant hemerocallises
- How to plant Bulbs - Spring planting plants
- 24 Feb 2020
Also known as daylillies, hemerocallises produce delightful trumpet-shaped flowers that will only last a day before being replaced by a new jewel the next day. Easy to grow, these bright hardy perennials are suited for most garden areas and will tolerate most conditions. They work especially well planted with tall spiked plants like aconites, veronicas and agastaches, open flowers such as heleniums, rudbeckias, leucanthemums or ornamental grasses. They are also perfect planted with daffodils and narcissi — their foliage will hide the dying leaves.
Hererocallis is not a lily but has much of the charm of lilies. Although the flowers are short lived you will get many more over it's flowering season.
Plant in moist, fertile well-drained soil. Dry conditions and too much shade can affect the flowering. Apply a well-balanced fertiliser every two to three weeks and dead-head regularly to keep the plants flowering and looking good. Provide a good mulch in late autumn. Lift and divide clumps every two to three years.
Always unpack and plant on arrival.
Potential problems, pests and diseases:
- Aphids: these sap-eating insects can weaken plants and spread viruses. Whenever possible, pick off by hand using gloves.
- Hemerocallis gall midge: these tiny midges infest buds and prevent them from opening.
- Red spider mites: these tiny sap-eating mites cause leaves to become mottled with pale spots. In extreme cases, affected plants may shed leaves and potentially perish. Since red spider mites thrive in dry, hot weather, regularly spray foliage with water to discourage any attacks and keep an eye out for tiny mites, eggs and cobwebs. Dispose of any deceased plant material and debris before spring to prevent risks of infestation.
- Snails and slugs: these pests enjoy munching on young shoots, stems, leaves and flowers. Watch out for damage!
- Thrips: these sap-eating insects like to feed on leaf and flower tissues. Leaves and petals become mottled with white/discoloured spots and heavy attacks may cause buds to fail to open. Thrips thrive in dry, hot weather and can spread viruses! Keep plants regularly watered and dispose of any deceased plant material and debris ahead of the growing season to prevent any risks of infestation.