How to plant scillas mischtschenkoana 'Tubergeniana'
- How to plant Bulbs - Autumn planting bulbs
- 30 Oct 2019

Inexpensive, easy to grow and excellent for naturalising, scillas mischtschenkoana or Misczenko squills/scillas tubergeniana truly deserve to be more widely grown. Producing beautiful porcelain blue to white star-shaped flowers with blue stripes above upright waxy leaves, these dwarf bulbs are fantastic planted in the rockery or cottage/woodland border where they will create a striking light blue sea. Try mixing with anemones, cyclamens, fritillaries, narcissi and scillas bifolia. Alternatively, grow in containers.
Plant around 10 cm deep in fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil in dappled shade to full sun — allowing for around 75 to 100 bulbs per square meter. Feed every couple of weeks with high potash feed; if you garden organically, liquid seaweed is ideal as it is organic and comes from a sustainable source.
Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant. Take care! Scillas can be harmful to cats and dogs.
Potential problems, pests and diseases:
Scillas do not usually suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems. However, they may be affected by viruses. These can cause a number of problems ranging from the appearance of deformed leaves and flowers to colour patterns and streaking. It is advisable to lift and destroy any affected plant at first sight.