How to plant sparaxises

Sparaxises are exotic plants native to South Africa bearing vibrant tri-coloured flowers occasionally adorned with a dark eye, held on wiry stems above lance-shaped leaves. Commonly known as Harlequin flowers (and rightly so!) these inexpensive, easy-to-grow bulbs are perfect for planting against a sunny wall or in a container. They truly deserve a place in every garden and make excellent cut flowers.

Plant around 7.5 cm deep in well-drained soil in full sun — allowing for around 50-100 bulbs per square meter. Regularly remove spent flowers and allow the foliage to die back naturally. Provide shelter from cold, drying winds and mulch in winter.

Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.

Potential problems, pests and diseases:

Generally, sparaxises do not suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems.

Sparaxis Bulbs
  • £3.00 for 25
  • £25.00 for 250
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Sparaxis Bulbs