How to plant trilliums
- How to plant Bulbs - Spring planting plants
- 25 Feb 2020
Also known as Trinity flowers, trilliums are striking deciduous perennials producing attractive three-petalled flowers and usually dark green, sometimes marbled/streaked foliage. Mostly originating from scrubs and woodlands commonly found in North America, these shade lovers will gradually carpet the floor with their wonderful blooms. Try planting under trees and shrubs so they can happily spread.
Plant around 5-8 cm deep in moist but well-drained, humus-rich soil in deep or partial shade — trilliums prefer acid to neutral soil but will also tolerate alkaline soil. Although they can take a little time to establish, the wait will be worth it! Mulch with leaf mould in winter.
Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.
Potential problems, pests and diseases:
Generally, trilliums do not suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems. However, snails and slugs can be an issue as they enjoy eating their foliage. To avoid this, provide protection.