How to plant brodiaeas (triteleias)
- How to plant Bulbs - Autumn planting bulbs
- 11 Feb 2020

Delicate in apparence yet very striking, triteleias or brodiaeas produce twelve to twenty tubular/star-shaped flowers held at the top of slender stems above basal, grass-like foliage. Almost resembling dwarf agaphantuses, these fantastic bulbs look especially fabulous drifting through hardy perennial plants such as alchemillas or ranunculi and low-growing grasses. Grow near a south facing wall, in the open garden or in the rockery to enjoy weeks of colours. Inexpensive, easy to grow and long-lasting, triteleias truly deserve to be more widely grown. They make excellent cut flowers.
Plant around 8 to 10 cm deep and approximatively 5 to 8 cm apart in well-drained, light, fertile, sandy soil that does not get waterlogged — allowing for 50 to 75 corms per square meter. In frost-prone areas, provide a good winter mulch. Triteleias will naturalise easily, simply lift and divide congested clumps every few years to improve flower production.
Always unpack on arrival and store in a cool place until ready to plant.
Potential problems, pests and diseases:
Triteleias do not usually suffer from any serious diseases or pest problems.