Gardening Guide - Planting Summer Flowering Bulbs and Plants
See also our Spring Flowering Planting Guide
Plant in fertile, humus rich soil when the chance of frost has passed. Begonias prefer light shade but will tolerate light sun. They do not like full sun as this can cause them to dry out and the buds to drop. Allow the first frost to hit the begonias, then lift and cut off the foliage. Allow to dry in frost free conditions. You can dust with fungicide and store until the following spring. Begonias can be started off before planting outside in shallow boxes of peat or sand. Plant around 5-10 cm deep.
Dahlias (tubers)
Plant in humus rich, fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Dahlias like a high nitrogen fertiliser weekly in the early part of summer. As the flowers appear, change to a high potash fertiliser as this will help maintain good flower production. As the flowers fade remove them to prolong the flowering period. It is also important to pinch out the Dahlias from the growing point to help produce a more bushy plant.
Allow the frost to turn the foliage black, and then cut back to around 15 cm. Lift the tubers, remove excess soil and place upside down on a suitable surface, in frost free conditions and allow to dry naturally. You can dust with a fungicide when dry then place the dry tubers in boxes of either dry sand or peat to over winter. You will need to check occasionally for fungal infection and cut out any damaged tissue then retreat with fungicide. In warm areas you can leave Dahlias in the ground over winter. Plant to a depth of around 15-20 cm and provide deep winter mulch. You can start the dahlias off before planting outside in shallow boxes of peat or sand.
Ferns and Grasses
Ferns are a wide group from small to large varieties. They like partial to full shade and prefer moist soils. Planting distance varies from 40 to 120 cm depending on the variety.
Grasses like sun to partial shade. Give them dry to moist conditions. They look stunning in the summer months and in winter when the frost settles on the brown stems giving a mysterious look to the border. Planting distance varies from 60-120 cm depending on the variety.
Plant in fertile well drained soil in full sun, adding grit or sharp sand will aid drainage. When the flower spikes appear water every couple of weeks with a high potash fertiliser. In warm areas they can be left in the ground. Plant around 10-15 cm deep. Allow around 25-50 per sq meter. Stagger the planting and you will have a succession of Gladioli flowers for many weeks.
Hardy Perennial Plants
Plant in moist, well drained soil in full sun. They will tolerate most soil conditions. They make good cut flowers and are excellent for drying in winter. They will withstand dry conditions but in exposed areas may need staking.
Plant in moist, fertile soil in partial shade. They will tolerate most soils and amounts of sun. They are good for cutting but all parts are poisonous, so caution is needed.
Plant in moist, well-drained soil in full sun. In frost prone areas, provide a good mulch in winter. Apply a well balanced fertiliser during the flowering period.
Plant in well drained, fertile soil. They like a sunny position. Provide mulch in winter
Grow in well drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun. Staking will help support the tall stems. They will require water in summer and do not like very dry conditions. After flowering, cut back to around 15 cm from the ground.
Plant in moist humus rich soil in full sun or partial shade. Ideal for the wild garden, these make excellent ground cover plant. Alchemilla Mollis self-seeds freely. Cut back as soon as flowering is finished to ground level.
Plant in moist, well drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun. Anchusa do not tolerate water logged soil and winter wet. Dead head after the first flush of flowering to encourage a second flush.
Plant in moist, fertile, humus rich soil in sun or partial shade. They do not like disturbance. It is advisable to leave the stems on after flowering to provide a little winter protection. Mulch in winter. Divide the clumps in the spring.
Plant in moist, fertile soil, sun or partial shade. They make excellent border plants and can be grown in woodland conditions and near water.
Plant in moist, fertile soil that is well drained in sun or partial shade.
Plant in well cultivated fertile soil in sun or partial shade, they may need dividing every few years this will help maintain their vigour and flower quality.
Plant in moist, fertile humus rich soil in sun or partial shade. They are ideal plants for the woodland garden and moist areas. In dry weather they will require watering to prevent drying out. They self-seed freely if not dead headed after flowering. Major varieties tolerate dryer conditions.
Baptisia can be a little slow to start but once established is worth the wait. Plant in full sun in deep rich soil that is slightly acidic. They are drought tolerant but like any plant require like some moisture. Fertilise in early spring or use a slow release fertiliser that is well balanced. A light trim after flowering will stop it going floppy. The seed heads are attractive. Plant around 7 cm deep.
Plant in moderately fertile humus rich soil that is well drained. They prefer shade and a cool site.
Campanulas need various growing conditions. Lactiflora and Punctata varieties like fertile neutral to alkaline soil in sun or partial shade. Notably, the colour holds better in shade. If you cut back after flowering it will provide a second smaller flush of flowers later in the season. This also prevents self-seeding.
Plant in moist, fertile, humus rich soil in full or partial shade. Provide a top dressing in the autumn. They are excellent for the wild or woodland garden and provide good ground cover
Plant in moderate fertile moist soil that is well drained in full sun. Provide mulch in very cold areas. In frost prone areas it may be necessary to lift the tubers and store them in barley moist peat.
Plant in fertile well drained soil in full sun, provide shelter from strong winds, most delphiniums will need staking. To produce good flower spikes thin the shoots. Keep watered when in growth and apply fertiliser every two to three weeks. Cut the flower stalks back to small side shoots as they finish. Cut all growth back in winter to ground level. Lift and divide the clumps every few years and replant the vigorous sections only.
Dicentra - Lamprocapnos (Bleeding Heart)
Moist, fertile humus rich soil, slightly alkaline ideal for shade, Spectabilis will grow in sun but will need moist soil.
Foxgloves like a light shady spot where they will happily naturalise, they will grow in most soils buty do not tolerate wet or very dry conditions, the leave can suffer a little from powdery mildew but are fairly disease resistant. Foxgloves are poisonous care should be taken no part of the plant should be eaten.
Plant in moist humus rich soil that is well drained in sun or partial shade, they will need plenty of moisture during the growing season.
Plant in well drained humus rich soil in full sun, they will take some shade. Cutting the flowers as they fade will promote further flowering. Provide a good balanced fertiliser every two to three weeks. Cut the stems to ground level at the end of the season.
Plant in well drained soil in full sun or partial shade, they will grow in poor soil. If drying the flowers they should be cut before they fully open, the stems and leaves contain spines.
Plant in dry soil that is poor to moderately fertile, they do not like winter wet. After flowering cut back to ground level.
Plant in moist, alkaline soil in partial shade. Protect from frost as this may damage new growth.
Plant in moist humus rich soil that is well drained and light, in full sun to dappled shade
Plant in moist moderately fertile soil that is well drained in full sun or partial shade, but they will tolerate most soils. Remove the spent flower stems to promote new growth during the flowering season, apply a well balance fertiliser.
Plant in moist fertile soil that is well drained, in full sun, dead head as soon as the flower fades to prolong flowering period. Every few years lift the clumps and divide and replant the vigorous sections.
Plant in neutral to alkaline soil in dapple shade, although they will tolerate a range of soils. Provide leaf mould or compost when planting. They dislike dry or waterlogged soils, and like shelter from strong cold winds.
Plant in moist fertile soil that is well drained in full sun, apply a well balanced fertiliser every two to three weeks, mulch in late autumn. Dry conditions and too much shade can affect the flowering. Lift and divide every two to three years.
Plant in moist fertile neutral soil that is well drained in sun or partial shade. Provide a winter mulch to crown, the clumps should be lifted and divided every few years.
Plant in moist fertile soil that is well drained, they like shelter from cold drying winds and prefer full or partial shade. Hostas dislike drought and like mulch in spring to conserve the moisture. Dead head the faded flower spikes. Add some compost to the soil before planting.
Germanica iris like well drained fertile neutral to light acid soil in full sun. Siberica iris like well drained neutral to slightly acid soil if full sun or partial shade. Most iris need long hot summers to thrive and flower well, plant near to the surface with the top part uncovered.
Jasione plant in moderately fertile; well drained sandy soil, that retains a little moisture, they do not like to be constantly wet, plant in full sun, they will tolerate a little light shade. Dead head spent flowers. Plant around 7 cm deep.
Plant in deep, fertile, humus rich soil that is moist and well drained, in full sun or partial shade, they like sandy soils. Water in dry weather and remove the flower spikes in the autumn. Provide mulch in winter.
Plant in moderately fertile soil that is well drained in full sun. They are ideal for the border and make excellent low hedges. The flowers can be dried the flowers should be cut before fully open. Keep well trimmed to help keep the shape and prevent the stems becoming too woody.
Plant in moderately fertile soil that is well drained, in full sun or partial shade.
Plant in light, moderately fertile, moist soil that is well drained in full sun. They dislike heavy wet soils and may rot. Water in dry conditions and remove the flower spikes when faded.
Plant in light moderately fertile sandy soil or slightly acid soil that is well drained in full sun or partial shade. Cover the crowns in winter in frost prone areas,. Remove the flower spikes as soon as the flowers fade.
Plant in moderately fertile to humus rich soil, that is well drained, Plant in full sun to partial shade. They do not like to dry out in summer and need protection from winter wet.
Will take any well drained soil, plant in full sun or partial shade, they do not like heavy or shallow soils which remain wet in winter. Dead head regularly to help promote prolonged flowering, only cut the stems down when the new shoots appear in the spring this will provide winter protection.
Plant in deep fertile humus rich soil that is moist but well drained in full sun or partial shade. They dislike the early morning sun shining on them, before planting dig deep and add plenty of leaf mould or compost. The crown should be planted around 2-3 cm below the ground, they need to settle and should be left undisturbed. Provide some mulch in the spring and water in dry weather, dead head as soon as the flower fades and feed with a general fertiliser in summer. In the autumn cut the stems down to ground level.
Plant in deep fertile well drained soil in full sun. Once the first flush is over cut back hard to provide a second later flush. After flowering cut down to ground level. Best planted at the back of the border and may need staking.
Plant in fertile well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. In frost prone areas protect with mulch. If you do not want seed dead head as soon as flowers fade this will help maintain a good plant.
Plant in moist fertile soil in full sun or partial shade. The flower colour is best if grown in light shade. Provide a little mulch in spring and water when dry in summer. When flowering is finished cut down to around 2-5 cm from ground level.
Plant in moist humus rich fertile soil that is well drained in full sun or partial shade. They are excellent for woodland planting and shady borders. Add a little compost at planting and water during dry spells. Cut the stems back in autumn.
Plant in humus rich soil that is neutral to acid or peaty plant in partial shade. They will tolerate sun if not allowed to dry out.
Plant in moist humus rich fertile soil that does not get waterlogged they like full or partial shade. Water in dry weather. Lift and divide the clumps every few years.
Plant in moderately fertile heavy soil that is well drained in full sun or partial shade Fulgida is more drought tolerant. Cut the flower stems once the flower fade. Cut back to ground level in the autumn.
Plant in moderately fertile humus rich moist soil that is well drained in full sun to light shade, they do not like excessive winter wet and like shelter from cold drying winds.
Plant in moderate fertile neutral to slightly alkaline soil that is well drained in full sun. They dislike winter wet. Divide and replant every few years in new soil. Dead head to prolong flowering.
Plant in moderately fertile slightly neutral to alkaline soil in full sun. They will grow in most soil conditions except sandy dry soil, they do not flower well in shade. Cut the stems down after flowering to ground level to help maintain the number of stems for the following year.
Plant in moist humus rich soil in partial shade. They may need staking.
Plant in moist humus rich soil, they prefer deep to partial shade, protect from excessive winter wet. They make excellent ground cover plants and are ideal in the woodland border.
Plant in moist well drained humus rich soil in deep or partial shade. in cold areas grow in a warm position but not sunny to encourage flowering before first frost. Provide a good mulch in winter. If the soil dries out in summer it may affect the foliage, provide a good mulch in the spring to help combat this.
Plant in alkaline, poor to well-drained soil in full sun. Protect from winter wet.
Plant in moist well drained moderately fertile soil in full sun. Provide mulch in winter especially in frost prone areas.
Grow in moderately fertile, moist loamy soil that is well drained, in full sun to partial shade.
Indoor Flowering Bulbs
Amaryllis Hippeastrum
Plant in loam based potting compost JI No.2. Plant the bulb with the neck and shoulders just above the surface. Place in dappled light or full sun, water sparingly until in growth, you can provide base heat to quicken the process. Feed around every two weeks with a good balanced fertiliser. After flowering remove the flower stem and reduce the water as the leaves begin to die back. When dormant leave in the pot (they hate root disturbance) place in a shed garage or greenhouse to rest, repeat this process when ready to grow again. They can be re potted around every three to five years.
Lilium \ Lily
If you are able to do so, Lilium should be planted on receipt. Should this not be possible, keep them in cool, well ventilated conditions.
Most lilies require full sun for most of the day but will take dappled shade for part of the day (see list below for shade loving varieties). A well-drained sandy rich soil with a little added humus is ideal but a heavy soil can be lightened with course sand or light grit to improve it for your lilies. Adding a little bone meal to the soil also improved your lily growth.
Different types of lily prefer different soil types as follows:
- Longiflorum Lilies – Lime tolerant
- Oriental Lilies – Ericaceous
- Species Lilies – Most soil conditions
- Trumpet Lilies – Lime tolerant
Plant your lilies around 17-20 cm deep and around 30 – 40 cm apart or, for Trumpet and Oriental Varieties, plant around 20-25 cm for extra protection in the wind when they grow. Lilies grown in containers should be planted around 15 cm deep allow around 10-15 cm of soil above the bulb. Use JI No.2.
You can plant the Lilium slightly tilted to avoid water getting inside.
Pack the soil well around the bulb and water freely to help the soil to settle and prevent air pockets. Lilium will not usually require daily watering: over watering will rot the bulb so keep it moist but not wet.
To feed your bulbs, use a well balanced fertiliser especially high in potash during flowering and as the growth dies back to help keep the bulb healthy. It is important to stop feeding after this time.
After blooming has finished, leave the foliage to die back and nourish your bulbs. The lilies will rest over winter before starting to grow again the following spring.
Asiatic Lilies
Plant on receipt, if it is not possible they should be kept in cool conditions. Most Lilium require full sun but will take dappled shade. A well drained sandy rich soil with a little added humus is ideal. Heavy soil can be lightened with course sand or light grit. Lilium should be planted around 17-20 cm deep and around 30 – 40 cm apart. Trumpet and Oriental Varieties plant around 20-25 cm for extra protection. Feed with high potash fertiliser.
Lilium grown in containers should be planted around 15 cm deep allow around 10-15 cm of soil above the bulb. Use JI No.2. Feed regularly with a good balanced fertiliser. Do not let bulbs get below freezing. When cutting the stems it is important to leave at least one third, this will help the bulb mature properly as the stem dies.
Longiflorum Lilies
Plant on receipt, if it is not possible they should be kept in cool conditions. Most Lilium require full sun but will take dappled shade. A well drained sandy rich soil with a little added humus is ideal. Heavy soil can be lightened with course sand or light grit. Lilium should be planted around 17-20 cm deep and around 30 – 40 cm apart. Trumpet and Oriental Varieties plant around 20-25 cm for extra protection. Feed with high potash fertiliser. Lilium grown in containers should be planted around 15 cm deep allow around 10-15 cm of soil above the bulb. Use JI No.2. Feed regularly with a good balanced fertiliser. Do not let bulbs get below freezing. When cutting the stems it is important to leave at least one third, this will help the bulb mature properly as the stem dies.
Orienpet Lilies
Plant on receipt, if it is not possible they should be kept in cool conditions. Most Lilium require full sun but will take dappled shade. A well drained sandy rich soil with a little added humus is ideal. Heavy soil can be lightened with course sand or light grit. Lilium should be planted around 17-20 cm deep and around 30 – 40 cm apart. Trumpet and Oriental Varieties plant around 20-25 cm for extra protection. Feed with high potash fertiliser. Lilium grown in containers should be planted around 15 cm deep allow around 10-15 cm of soil above the bulb. Use JI No.2. Feed regularly with a good balanced fertiliser. Do not let bulbs get below freezing. When cutting the stems it is important to leave at least one third, this will help the bulb mature properly as the stem dies.
Oriental Lilies
Plant on receipt, if it is not possible they should be kept in cool conditions. Most Lilium require full sun but will take dappled shade. A well drained sandy rich soil with a little added humus is ideal. Heavy soil can be lightened with course sand or light grit. Lilium should be planted around 17-20 cm deep and around 30 – 40 cm apart. Trumpet and Oriental Varieties plant around 20-25 cm for extra protection. Feed with high potash fertiliser. Lilium grown in containers should be planted around 15 cm deep allow around 10-15 cm of soil above the bulb. Use JI No.2. Feed regularly with a good balanced fertiliser. Do not let bulbs get below freezing. When cutting the stems it is important to leave at least one third, this will help the bulb mature properly as the stem dies.
Species Lilies
Plant on receipt, if it is not possible they should be kept in cool conditions. Most Lilium require full sun but will take dappled shade. A well drained sandy rich soil with a little added humus is ideal. Heavy soil can be lightened with course sand or light grit. Lilium should be planted around 17-20 cm deep and around 30 – 40 cm apart. Trumpet and Oriental Varieties plant around 20-25 cm for extra protection. Feed with high potash fertiliser. Lilium grown in containers should be planted around 15 cm deep allow around 10-15 cm of soil above the bulb. Use JI No.2. Feed regularly with a good balanced fertiliser. Do not let bulbs get below freezing. When cutting the stems it is important to leave at least one third, this will help the bulb mature properly as the stem dies.
Trumpet Lilies
Plant on receipt, if it is not possible they should be kept in cool conditions. Most Lilium require full sun but will take dappled shade. A well drained sandy rich soil with a little added humus is ideal. Heavy soil can be lightened with course sand or light grit. Lilium should be planted around 17-20 cm deep and around 30 – 40 cm apart. Trumpet and Oriental Varieties plant around 20-25 cm for extra protection. Feed with high potash fertiliser. Lilium grown in containers should be planted around 15 cm deep allow around 10-15 cm of soil above the bulb. Use JI No.2. Feed regularly with a good balanced fertiliser. Do not let bulbs get below freezing. When cutting the stems it is important to leave at least one third, this will help the bulb mature properly as the stem dies.
Miscellaneous Bulbs
Acidanthera (Callianthus)
Well drained soil in full sun, it is important to provide a warm sunny site, in cold areas they may fail to flower. They need to be lifted before the frost and treat as with gladioli. Plant around 10-15 cm deep. Allow around 50 per sq meter.
Allium (Drumstick)
Grow in fertile, well drained soil in full sun. Planting depth is around 10 cm deep, allow around 75-100 per sq meter.
Plant in moist, well drained fertile, soil in sun or partial shade. Take care when handling not to break the brittle side shoots. Alstroemeria should be planted on receipt. Mulch for the first couple of years especially in frost prone areas and leave undisturbed to form clumps, they can take a year or two to establish.
Amaryllis Belladonna
Plant in moderately fertile well drained soil in full sun; the leaves appear first then die back in early summer; the flower stem appears around five to six weeks later. After flowering remove the stem and provide the crown with good winter mulch.
Blanda Group well drained, humus-rich soil in full sun or partial shade. Good for woodland planting. Plant around 5-8 cm deep. Allow around 100 per sq meter
Coronaria Group they prefer a light sandy soil in full sun, they like a dry period after flowering. Plant 5-8 cm deep. Allow around 75-100 per sq meter.
Nemerosa prefer moist well drained humus rich soil sun to partial shade. Good for woodland planting. Plant them just below the surface.
Deep rich soil that is light and well drained in full sun. Plant 20 cm deep.
Plant in well drained soil in full sun. Allow the corms to be dry and dormant in the winter Plant around 6-8 cm deep. Allow around 25-50 per sq meter.
Brodiaea (Triteleia)
Well drained, light fertile sandy loam, full sun to partial shade. Water well when in growth, keep dry when dormant. Plant around 8 cm deep. Allow around 50-75 per sq meter.
Plant in deep fertile humus rich moist soil, which is well drained in full sun Crinum prefer a south facing position. Provide mulch in winter. Plant around 15 cm deep with the top at the surface.
Plant in moderately fertile humus rich, moist soil that is well drained, they will tolerate full sun or partial shade. You will need to lift and divide congested clumps. Plant around 8-10 cm deep. Allow around 50-75 per sq meter.
Cilicium, Coum and Hederifolium grow in moderately fertile humus rich well drained soil, in partial shade, under trees near shrubs or a wall, to avoid excess moisture. Plant around 3 cm deep. They like a little leaf mould after the leaf dies back. It is important to plant the Cyclamen corms very close to the surface.
Persicum is not frost hardy so special care needs to be taken, this variety makes a good houseplant. Plant around 2-2.5 cm deep
Plant in well drained soil in full sun. Plant around 10 cm deep.
Eremurus (Foxtail Lilies)
Grow in fertile, sandy well drained loam in full sun. They need winter cold to induce flowering, young growth is frost tender. If mulching in winter try and avoid the crown, they will need support in exposed sites. Plant them just below the surface around 2-2.5 cm deep. Allow around 10-20 per sq meter.
They need protection from cold drying winds, and in dry conditions will need plenty of water.
Plant in full sun in fertile humus rich soil that is well drained, provide mulch in severe winters. Plant around 10-15 cm deep. Allow around 20-30 per sq meter.
Ferraria Tigiridia
Plant in well drained fertile sandy soil in full sun, provide mulch over winter in frost prone areas or lift the bulbs in autumn and store in sand. Plant around 10-15 cm deep. Allow around 75 per sq meter.
Plant indoors in JI No.2 loam compost with added grit, in the greenhouse shade from the sun and keep moist until established, once in growth provide full light and good ventilation and water freely, provide a good balanced fertiliser weekly when the buds appear. After flowering reduce the watering when dry store the corms for re planting.
Plant in fertile, well drained soil that is moist in the spring and summer months in full sun. Cut off the flower spikes when they have finished and cover the crown with a thick mulch of leaf mould. Plant around 10-15 cm deep. Allow around 30 per sq meter.
Plant in soil based compost JI No.2 is also very good. Gloriosa need heat to develop the shoots & roots place in a conservatory or greenhouse, water sparingly at first, then water regularly and feed weekly when in growth, after flowering slow the watering down and then stop and allow to dry out, leave them in the pots in a warm place. In very warm areas they can be grown outdoors in summer but must be brought back inside they are tender plants.
Gloriosa are twining plants and will need support, they like a large deep pot. Gloriosa should only be planted a few centimeres deep if you are unsure which is the top plant the tubers horizontally. All parts of the plant espcially the tubers are poisonous and should never be eaten.
Plant in humus rich, moist well drained soil in sun or partial shade, protect from cold winds, and provide deep mulch in frost prone areas. Cut the flower stems when finished flowering. Plant around 5-8 cm deep.
Plant in moderately fertile moist well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Protect from excessive wet when dormant. They prefer planting near a warm sunny wall. Plant around 5 cm deep
Moderately fertile well drained soil in full sun, better planted near a wall. Plant around 8-10 cm deep. Allow around 50-100 per sq meter.
Plant in well drained soil in full sun. Provide mulch in frost prone areas. Plant close to the surface with the to of the bulb above, if planted to deep they can fail to flower.
Plant in moderately fertile well drained soil in full sun. Plant around 10 cm deep. Allow around 25-50 per sq meter. For Thyrsoides plant around 7.5 cms deep and allow 50-75 per sq meter.
Plant in moderate fertile humus rich well drained soil in full sun. Plant around 10 cm deep. Allow around 75 per sq meter.
Plant in moderately fertile well drained soil in full sun. It is advisable to lift the tubers before the first frost and store in sand. Plant around 10 cm deep.
Plant in full sun in fertile humus rich moist soil, plant claws facing downwards. Plant around 10 cm deep with spacing of around 8 cm. Allow around 50-75 per sq meter. Soak them for a few hours to give them the best start, if growing in pots plant 3 to a litre pot.
Grow in well drained soil, they need full sun. Plant around 7.5cm deep. Allow around 50-100 per sq meter. Mulch in winter.
Plant in moist but well drained, humus rich soil. They prefer acid to neutral soil, although they will tolerate alkaline soil. They prefer deep or partial shade, mulch with leaf mould in winter. Plant around 5-8 cm deep.
Plant in moderately fertile soil that is well drained in full sun. Plant around 5 cm deep.
Plant in well drained moderately fertile, humus rich soil in full sun. The flowers are fragrant and are carried on leafless stems. They have a good drought resistance do not divide the clumps for several years. Plant around 5 cm deep.
Plant the spring flowering Narcissi outdoors in May. For indoors planting plant in a good compost JI2 with the tops out of the soil, place in a dark place for a couple of weeks to allow the roots to develop, once established bring into the light in a cool room, if the temperature is to high they will bolt and become very long, they can be grown in pebbles, add water to just below the top of the pebbles. Place the Narcissi so they are almost touching and a few more pebbles to slightly cove around half way up the bulb. It is important the base of the narcissi do not come into contact with the water to prevent mold and rot. Place the Narcissi in a cool dark place to help establish the root growth, maintain the water level to just below the top pebbles. After a couple of weeks check the root system, if the bulbs feel rooted they can be placed in a light spot but not direct sunlight. If they are kept in cool conditions they will last longer, this will also help prevent them from getting long and flopping.
Trees & Shrubs
Buddleja and Caryopteris
Plant in fertile, well drained soil they prefer full sun.
Plant in any fertile well drained soil, prefer partial shade, but will tolerate full sun, when combined with dry conditions it may promote dull foliage colour and scorching. Keep trimmed in summer.
Plant in fertile, humus rich soil that is neutral to acid and well drained, plant in full sun, cut back the stems in early spring to encourage new red growth.
Plant outdoors in moist, well drained fertile soil. Provide a deep winter mulch and shelter from cold drying winds, plant in full sun to partial shade.
Plant in moist, well drained, moderately fertile, humus rich soil, in sun or partial shade.
Plant in fertile, humus rich soil, in moist but well drained soil in sun. Apply a balance fertiliser regularly when in growth.
Plant in any moderately fertile soil in full sun or partial shade. When in growth apply a balanced fertiliser regularly.
Plant in fertile, humus rich soil that is moist and well drained, they prefer shade to partial shade if planted in full sun they will need moisture.
Plant in humus rich fertile neutral to alkaline soil that is well drained in full sun. They benefit from regular mulch. Remove the faded flowers on young plants to prevent the fruits from forming.
Trees and Shrubs
This group are quite diverse in their planting requirements we have included the planting guide with their descriptions. Trees & Shrubs bring height, depth and character to the garden.