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Single Flowering

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  1. Dahlie Bishop of Dover ®
    Dahlie Bishop of Dover ®
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  2. Dahlie Bishop of Leicester
    Dahlie Bishop of Leicester
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  3. Dahlie Bishop of Llandaff
    Dahlie Bishop of Llandaff
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  4. Dahlie Bishop of Oxford
    Dahlie Bishop of Oxford
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  5. Dahlie Bishop of York ®
    Dahlie Bishop of York ®
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  6. Dahlie Dahlegria Tricolour
    Dahlie Dahlegria Tricolour
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  7. Dahlie Destiny's Teacher
    Dahlie Destiny's Teacher
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  8. Dahlie Dracula
    Dahlie Dracula
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  9. Dahlie Edge of Joy
    Dahlie Edge of Joy
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  10. Dahlie Excentrique
    Dahlie Excentrique
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  11. Dahlie Fancy Pants
    Dahlie Fancy Pants
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  12. Dahlie Hartenaas
    Dahlie Hartenaas
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  13. Dahlie Honka Fragile
    Dahlie Honka Fragile
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  14. Dahlie Honka Pink
    Dahlie Honka Pink
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  15. Dahlie HS Flame
    Dahlie HS Flame
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  16. Dahlie HS Juliet
    Dahlie HS Juliet
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  17. Dahlie HS Party
    Dahlie HS Party
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  18. Dahlie HS Princess
    Dahlie HS Princess
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  19. Dahlie Little Swan
    Dahlie Little Swan
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    4,37 € Ab 4,03 €
  20. Dahlie Mary Evelyn
    Dahlie Mary Evelyn
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  21. Dahlie Mexican Star
    Dahlie Mexican Star
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  22. Dahlie Pooh
    Dahlie Pooh
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  23. Dahlie Pride One
    Dahlie Pride One
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  24. Dahlie Pulp Fiction
    Dahlie Pulp Fiction
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  25. Dahlie Teesbrooke Audrey
    Dahlie Teesbrooke Audrey
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  26. Dahlie Verrone's Obsidian
    Dahlie Verrone's Obsidian
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
  27. Dahlie Waltzing Matilda™
    Dahlie Waltzing Matilda™
    Im Moment nicht vorrätig
    3,68 € Ab 3,34 €
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A Simple Dahlia Flower

The single flowering dahlia is in a different class to the decorative and flamboyant dahlias. Simple flowers, open centred with 1 or 2 rows of ray florets. The flowers are not heavy and can be supported on thin long stems. This makes them ideal for cutting.

Not only that, but the dahlia tuber can support a lot of flowers all at once. These flowers will appear from mid summer fright up to the first frosts.

Standout single dahlias to try are

Dark Leaved dahlias such as

Bishop of Llandaff

Bishop of Oxford

Or Happy Single varieties such as

HS Party

HS Princess

Growing dahlias

Dahlia seeds and propagating

You can grow dahlias from seed, you can take cuttings and you can divide the dahlia tuber to produce more flowers. See here

The regenerative powers of these plants is remarkable. A cutting will develop in time to produce flowers in the first year. Damage can be easily cut back and new growth will reappear.

Pruning Dahlias

It is positively encouraged to trim your dahlias to produce new flowers. Remove the first buds and you will be rewarded by many more. Especially single flowering dahlias, which produce an abundant source of colour in your garden.

Always deadhead your dying flowers and keep the stems to a maximum of 7-9 stems. Heavier dahlias will want 3-5 stems. 

Planting dahlias

A rich soil and full sun is required. Dahlias are prone to rot if they are too wet but equally require a lot of water to keep fresh. This is why drainage is very important. 

Plant so the stem is just visible at the surface. It is a good idea to support your dahlias. Once they reach over 50cm they can fall and break.

Growing dahlias in pots

It is always a good idea to start your dahlias in small pots whilst the spring frosts are likely to damage any new growth. Plant them in compost to start roots and shoots, and store in a frost free place like a greenhouse or cold store. You can plant them out in April.

It is possible to grow single flowering dahlias in large pots. Make sure they are well watered and well anchored. In our experience the tubers will often perform better in beds. These dahlias will make a great thick bush and can be planted in large groups for a dense border.  However, dahlia do like a lot of space and don't like competition so plant them at least 40-50cm apart. 

Feeding Dahlias

Even planted in rich soil dahlia tubers like a high nitrogen fertiliser applied almost weekly. 

Watch the video about lifting dahlias at the end of the season. 



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