Gegründet 1958. Über 60 Jahre Erfahrung!

Versand direkt aus den Niederlanden

Unsere Frühlingszwiebeln werden nicht mit Neonicotinoiden behandelt.

Trade and Wholesalers

Trade customer login

Does your business require bulbs? Are you in one of the following industries

  • professional landscaper
  • garden designer
  • estate open to the public
  • A council
  • commercial flower grower
  • the gardens industry,
  • charity and other similar organisation

We pride ourselves on our no nonsense, low price approach.

Saving you money

For large orders placed by wholesalers, however, we are also able to offer further discounted prices. Discounts increase depending on your total spend.

Sharing our knowledge

We know our products very well, plus, we have the experience of supplying to wholesalers since we began in 1958. With our finger on the pulse we can advice the best bulbs to plant to maximise your profit and impress your customers.

Peace of mind

Talk to us about your special requirements. We can arrange delivery to site on specific weeks. Our bulbs are pesticide free and sourced direct from the growers in Holland. We also arrange all of the plant passports and phytosanitary certificates for your UK delivery.

The minimum order size to be eligible for a trade account is 150 GBP

Apply for a Trade Login

If you do not have a trade login yet, please fill in the form below to apply for one. We will assess your application as soon as possible and notify you on approval.

If you would like to discuss an order or your plans for the future we would be very happy to talk to you.

Trade customer login

We pride ourselves on our no nonsense, low price approach. For large orders place by wholesalers, however, we are also able to offer further discounted prices. Discounts increase depending on your total spend. Trade customers include professional landscapers, garden designers, estates open to the public, councils, commercial flower growers, the gardens industry, charities and other similar organisations.

The minimum order size to be eligible for a trade account is 150 GBP

Apply for a Trade Login

If you do not have a trade login yet, please fill in the form below to apply for one. We will assess your application as soon as possible and notify you on approval.

If you would like to discuss an order or your plans for the future we would be very happy to talk to you.

Die Peter Nyssen Zufriedenheitsgarantie

Wenn Ihre Waren beschädigt oder fehlerhaft sind, werden wir diese ersetzen oder erstatten.

100% Online-Sicherheit TrustWave Trusted Commerce Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie
Gestalten Sie ihre Liste!

Richten Sie noch heute ein Konto ein und erstellen Sie die perfekte Sammlung von Blumenzwiebeln für Ihren Garten.

Produkte die Sie lieben für später speichern.
Mehr Info
Handel und Großhändler
Für professionelle Landschaftsgärtner Gartengestalter, Landgüter, Blumenzüchter, die Gärten Industrie, Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen und andere ähnliche Organisationen.

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