Stephen Teeuw

Stephen is the 3rd generation of his family to work in the flower bulb industry. Originally working in Lincolnshire in a region known as South Holland, so called because of its unique reclaimed fenland. He now lives in Norfolk where continues to grow hundreds of varieties of new bulbs each year. He shares his 'hands on' experience of growing bulbs and plants on the Peter Nyssen Blog

 • Grown and photographed over 2000 tulip varieties
 • 20 years in the bulb industry
 • Committed to growing an environmentally friendly garden
 • Studied Fine Art Print and Photo media at Norwich Art School.
Stephen says, 'We are living in a challenging time, many of our gardening practices have to change and develop to keep up with the demands of the changing weather, whilst also supporting our local ecosystems and native plants'

Is the Daffodil the Quintessential Spring Flower?

What flower comes to mind When you think of spring? For many, it's the daffodil. And for me, they hold an especially dear place in my heart. As the third generation of my family involved in the bulb industry, spring flowers have always been a central part of my life, and daffodils were serious business! Growing up in Lincolnshire, I have vivid ...

Perennial bulbs, easy gardening that lasts from season to season

What are Perennial Plants? Perennial plants are a gardener's best friend, returning year after year with little need for fuss or replanting. They can take many forms, from woody shrubs to leafy plants, and even include bulbs. The beauty of perennials is that they are hardy, which means they can withstand the rigours of winter, emerging when ...

A Guide to Planting Flower Bulbs in Pots: Tips and Tricks for a Blooming Success

Planting flower bulbs in pots is a wonderfully rewarding way to bring vibrant, seasonal colour to any garden, patio, or balcony. The process is simple but offers endless possibilities for creative combinations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensure your potted bulb garden flourishes throughout the year.Choosing the Right Pot Size Matters ...

Tulip News for 2024

You might recall the dreadful wet weather we experienced early this year in 2024. It is perhaps a grower’s worst nightmare and it has caused a few problems in the industry.  This year tulips will be in short supply, but we have you covered! It might sound alarming but we are working hard to make sure you get the best bulbs at the best ...

Spring inspiration from the largest flower garden in the world

Earlier this year, Stephen had the pleasure of visiting the stunning Keukenhof Gardens in Lisse, The Netherlands. For us at Peter Nyssen, it's essential to make an annual pilgrimage to this world-renowned garden, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the vibrant spring displays and stay ahead of emerging trends. Armed with a camera and an eye ...

Bulb sizes - What the numbers mean and what you should look for.

Understanding Flower Bulb Sizes: The Key to a Flourishing Garden Let's delve into the fascinating world of flower bulb sizes. By understanding the anatomy of a bulb and the significance of its size, you can unlock many answers about creating a successful garden.The Anatomy of a Bulb To appreciate the importance of bulb size, it’s essential ...

Peter Nyssen Plant 500 Trees

On a cool autumn day we were shown around the most beautiful, south facing field in the countryside north of Bath. These 9 acres of grass were full of flowers and bugs having been mowed for hay only once a year for the last 10 years or so. Acting on our message At Peter Nyssen we’ve always been keen on gardening but in the past few decades, ...

Naturalising bulbs - Growing bulbs the easy way

I can't help myself, I'm forever looking at plants where ever they grow. I find it interesting to compare the landsacpe around me, either urban or rural, and see if it compares to my garden. Using nature as a constant source of inspiration for future planting ideas. I love observing what grows naturally and applying the principles of its habitat to ...

The Allure of White Flowers: A Spring Garden Essential

White is a much more captivating colour than one might initially expect. While white flowers often symbolise purity, they also represent one of the most vibrant and versatile colours in our gardening palette. The way sunlight radiates from white blooms makes them particularly attractive to pollinators and excellent for stunning flower arrangements. ...

The earliest Spring bulbs, the brightest way to begin the year

As a gardener, you're always looking forward and planning ahead. How often do you find yourself thinking, ‘Next year… I’ll need to move this,' I’ll try something new,' I want to see how this grows,' I’ll have to get rid of this.’ A year can seem like a long time, but patience is one of a ...